Before the beginning of time, God penned our story. Only He knows the ending, but as we have come to this point in our lives, we can only thank Him, praise Him and give him all the glory for leading us together.
When I was seven years old, my family came in contact with a bricklayer by the name of David Shofstahl. He eagerly went to work on our house along with many assistants including his 13-year-old brother Jonathan. We both have few memories of those years, but our families continued to interact with each other casually until 2007.
As a teenager, Jonathan watched many couples, their marriages, their families, and decided that marriage was just not for him. Being a little girl, I, of course, wanted to grow up fast and marry Mr. Wonderful, but decided that there would only be one in my life. Consequently, around the age of ten, I started praying for my husband to be.

In the spring of 2007, after graduating from high school, I began working as a secretary for Cardinal Welding, Inc. Daniel Shofstahl became my boss while his brother Jonathan became the foreman. Over the next few months, Daniel taught me many things and became a great big brother to have around. Jonathan, on the other hand, was put down in my book as "the man that hates girls". I began praying for everyone that I worked with on a daily basis asking God that I would somehow be a blessing and encouragement to each one of them. I prayed especially for Daniel and Jonathan that God would send them both wives because from my point of view, they both sure needed one! Unbeknown to me, Jonathan began praying that God would send me a husband, because he thought I was such a wonderful girl.
Daniel began dating his sweet wife Elizabeth in the winter of 2008, and I was so thankful that God had blessed him finally in that area! Jonathan and I began having to interact with each other more on a daily basis and I soon crossed him out in my book as "the man who hates girls" to "such a nice big brother".

Months later, definitely led by the hand of God, our friendship became more than work. Jonathan built my brother Jared's go-kart from scratch. Yes, I was quite impressed, especially since I knew he was quite the mechanic, changing an engine or two from time to time and doing extensive body work on various cars. Jonathan and I both liked to shoot, so my family invited him along with several other friends for a few “shoot-outs”. Daniel then bought his home. My brothers and I loved every minute of demolishing and beginning new construction. Jon had bought a duplex several years earlier and totally renovated it, rented it out, and sold the complex in '07, so he had much experience in renovating.

Many long days after work, Daniel, Jonathan, my brothers, sisters, and I would spend the evenings tearing out walls, ceilings, and floors out of Daniel’s house. We had to see each other stressed, black from head to toe, sweaty and, quite frankly, a mess. I soon began to realize that Jonathan was quite the man. Woe! He had quite the worth ethic! Wow! Did he have good ideas about rearing children! Goodness, we agreed theologically! He has some really neat guns! My word, he is an awesome mechanic! But alas, he must go down in my history book as a nice big brother that hated girls. Jonathan was really starting to worry me though....
He would wink at the most importune times, or bring me lunch, dum dum pops from the bank, text me about needless business questions, fix my gokart, or would just stare at me whenever I was scrubbing the floors or bringing everyone their morning cup of coffee. What was WRONG with this guy???
During this time, I was really struggling to be content. A lot of dear friends had married, were engaged or were on their 3rd boyfriend, but WHERE was my Mr. Wonderful? After all, I had chosen not to date, but wait, so why wasn't God sending me Prince Charming? I asked forgiveness for my selfishness and gave my desires to the Lord. My sisters and I began praying that God would show me who He wanted me to marry by the end of 2008. I actually forgot that I had prayed that because on December 31, three minutes to midnight, Jonathan texted me from Alabama. I thought nothing of it, we just chatted a bit… actually about an hour and half, and wished each other Happy New Year! He returned home, and continued to act quite strangely.
I anxiously asked Daniel, "If Jon hates girls so much, why do he and I get along?" Daniel’s simple answer was, "Yes, Jonathan hates girls, but he tolerates you." ‘Great! I'm tolerable.... what a nice thought! ‘
In the spring of 2009, Jonathan realized that he didn't want some guy to come around, marry me, and take me away from HIM! He then started praying for me as His potential wife.
Around this same time, while praying for Jonathan one morning, I realized that I didn't want God to send him a wife because I wanted to be his wife. So, I started praying that if it was God's will, then He would show Jonathan that I was the girl he was to marry.
July 2009 rolled around and I was going crazy! This Jonathan hated girls, tolerated me, and wouldn't leave me alone! I decided that I needed to get away from him for awhile and boarded a plane to Arizona just to spend some time away and really seek God concerning our relationship. On the way home, Jonathan couldn't stand a whole week without texting his secretary and told me that he was praying I would have a safe trip home, etc.
After arriving home, Jonathan's wonderfully conniving mother, who was constantly trying to match make us together, asked me to come help her with some cleaning. She had become such a dear friend ever since I had started working at the shop, so I gladly agreed to come over. When the house was clean, I sat down on the couch and shared with Jonathan all my Arizona pictures. Just for a second, we both looked at each other, and somehow knew that God was going to put our lives together.

Two weeks later, a dozen beautiful pink roses landed on my desk, along with a cute card for my birthday from. A few more days went by, and my family had Jonathan and his mom down for dinner. Dad and Jon went on a walk, had a little talk, and Jonathan texted me the next day asking if we could talk. We went out for much coffee and after a few hours of talking, we were totally committed to each other, and to a relationship that would glorify God and lead to marriage. Jonathan and I are so excited about what God has for us! Please pray that HE will be glorified in all that we do.
Ps. It was so special for me to know that I was the first girl Jon ever gave flowers to, the only girl he ever dated and the only girl he said, "I love you" to. I am soooo very thankful that God has chosen to give me him not only as a foreman, a big brother, a friend, a boyfriend, a fiancé but soon to be my dear husband!!