Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Extreme Randomness


The Makings of Men

What we do in our spare moments!

I baptize thee....


Rachel said...

Poor Snowball! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the dog pic. The swimming pool is funny too. :D

Deena - said...

hey! Whacha doin with my daughter?????????

Whalen Family said...

It's good to see you here Miss Deena! I was trying to teach her how to float, but I don't think she got it! Have a wonderful day! ~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

Hello Whalen family,
How are you? I enjoy your updates and all the "fun" ya'll are having. Sarah~~I did not know that you were ordained? (haha~~just kidding)
Why isn't there a wall there where the boys are standing? (scary) (smile)
I may be a bit busy next week so I want to wish you a "Happy Thanksgiving" early! We will not be going to Ohio, but my dad is coming here so we are very excited. Hope to see you at Christmas time though!
Miss you guys!
Jen Reents

Deena - said...

Ha ha ha ;-)

Anonymous said...

I forget to ask but is someone doing their laundry in the pool also? Is this a multi-purpose pool? (smile) Just asking! ;)

Anonymous said...

I forget again to put my name. (crossed eyes)
Jen Reents